Dose creep in digital radiography

Rob Davidson

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapterpeer-review


Exposure creep or dose creep is the gradual acceptance over time by radiographers of the use of higher radiographic exposures, and hence doses to the patient, for the same X-ray examination and projection in digital planar radiography. Recognition of the phenomena of exposure or dose creep started within a few years following the introduction of computed radiography system which at that time were replacing film/screen systems. It is generally accepted that the large dynamic range of digital radiography systems is the principle reasons for exposure or dose creep. Radiographer practices have changed since the use of film/screen radiography. In film/screen radiography image brightness and contrast was controlled by exposure factors such kVp, mAs, and FFD (now SID). Dose was then optimized where the film displayed optimal brightness and contrast. In digital radiography systems, image brightness and contrast are not controlled by the exposure factors. This decoupling of exposure factors and image brightness and contrast is another reason that allows exposure or dose creep to occur. Radiographer practices in digital planar radiography need to include the evaluation of the dose to the image receptor, the exposure indicator. Radiographers need to have an understanding of the physical relationship between exposure and image appearance and their needs to be oversight of their practice to halt or stop the existence of exposure or dose creep.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGeneral radiography: Principles and practice
EditorsChristopher Hayre, William Cox
Place of PublicationBoca Raton
PublisherCRC Press
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9784003047278
ISBN (Print)9780367149871
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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