Dynamics of the Metabolic Response During a Competitive 100-M Freestyle in Elite Male Swimmers

Philippe Hellard, Robin Pla, Ferran A Rodríguez, David Simbana, David B Pyne

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22 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: To compare the dynamics of maximal oxygen uptake (V O 2), blood lactate ([La] b), total energy expenditure (E tot), and contributions of the aerobic (E aer), alactic anaerobic (E an,al), and lactic anaerobic (Ean,lac) metabolic energy pathways over 4 consecutive 25-m laps (L 0-25, L 25-50, etc) of a 100-m maximal freestyle swim. Methods: Elite swimmers comprising 26 juniors (age = 16 [1] y) and 23 seniors (age = 24 [5] y) performed 100 m at maximal speed and then 3 trials (25, 50, and 75 m) at the same pace as that of the 100 m. [La] b was collected, and V O 2 was measured 20 s postexercise. Results: The estimated energetic contributions for the 100-m trial are presented as mean (SD): E aer, 51% (8%); E an,al, 18% (2%); E an,lac, 31% (9%). V O 2 increased fromL 0-25 to L 25-50 (mean = 3.5 L·min -1; 90% confidence interval [CI], 3.4-3.7 L·min -1 to mean = 4.2 L·min -1; 90%CI, 4.0-4.3 L·min -1) and then stabilized in the 2nd 50 m (mean = 4.1 L·min -1; 90% CI, 3.9-4.3 L·min -1 to mean = 4.2 L·min -1; 90% CI, 4.0-4.4 L·min -1). E tot (juniors, 138 [18] kJ; seniors, 168 [26] kJ), E an,al (juniors, 27 [3] kJ; seniors, 30 [3] kJ), and E an,lac (juniors, 38 [12] kJ; seniors, 62 [24] kJ) were 11-58% higher in seniors. Faster swimmers (n = 26) had higher V O 2 (4.6 L · min -1, 90% CI 4.4-4.8 L·min -1 vs 3.9 L·min -1, 90% CI 3.6-4.2 L·min -1), and E aer power was associated with fast performances (P < .001). Conclusion: Faster swimmers were characterized by higher V O 2 and less time to reach the highest V O 2 at ~50 m of the 100-m swim. Anaerobic qualities become more important with age.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1011-1020
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2018


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