Editorial - Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial


Denison, Faulkner, Jeanes and Toole lead off this month’s featured articles with a study examining the differences between the impact of norms and attitudes on homophobic language use in male team sports. This work adds to the growing body of evidence associating norms with negative behaviours in male athletes. Lu and colleagues, reporting a prospective observational cohort study, outline the relationship between injury incidence, player-salary cost and team performance in the professional Australian soccer league. In the third of this month’s featured articles, Keaney’s team describe the predictors for upper respiratory tract symptoms in elite rugby union players.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)419-419
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


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