Editors’ preface: Legal Perspectives on Security Institutions

Hitoshi Nasu, Kim Rubenstein

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookForeword/postscript


As explained in the Series Editors' Preface, this series is a result of workshops bringing together public and international lawyers with interdisciplinary scholars relevant to the respective volume's themes, for discussion on selected topics and themes. From the second volume onwards, the topics revolve around the International Association of Research Universities (IARU) thematic research topics. When Kim Rubenstein began thinking about organising the fifth workshop around the theme of Security, she was enthusiastic about inviting her ANU College of Law colleague Dr Hitoshi Nasu to join her in running it as he had already developed some interesting ideas around this theme. The fifth workshop ‘Security Institutions and International and Public Law’ took place on 27-29 June 2011 at the Australian National University. The nineteen paper presenters and a further group of participants, who had read all the papers, enjoyed vigorous discussion, engaging fully with each other and the material. We thank Commodore Ian Campbell, Giovanni Di Lieto, Tom Faunce, Chris Michaelsen and Natasha Tusikov for presenting stimulating papers at the workshop even though their papers were not developed for the resulting book. The event was ably organised by the ANU College of Law Outreach and Administrative Support Team and in particular we thank Wendy Mohring and Sarah Hull. ANU law student Zoe Winston-Gregson worked with us reviewing the papers on style matters and we thank her for her assistance in putting this volume together. We also thank the many anonymous reviewers whose critiques of the papers strengthened the chapters in this collection. The staff at Cambridge University Press, especially Finola O'Sullivan and Elizabeth Spicer, have been enthusiastic in supporting this series and Elizabeth Davison as copy-editor has been excellent. Finally, we would like to thank our colleagues at the ANU and in the Centre for International and Public Law in the ANU College of Law and our respective families and friends for their support and inspiration in all that we do. All the online references are correct as at 30 September 2014 unless otherwise indicated.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLegal Perspectives on Security Institutions
EditorsHitoshi Nasu, Kim Rubenstein
Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages2
ISBN (Electronic)9781316212677
ISBN (Print)9781107102781
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015
Externally publishedYes


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