Environmental conflict: Engaging with scientific information and community activism

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapterpeer-review


Key Points
• Land and water use planning often involves managing environmental
• Environmental conflicts are complex and can involve a wide range of
substantive, procedural and psychological issues. They share one key
characteristic: scientific evidence often plays a key role.
• Successful management of environmental conflict requires carefully
considering how to ensure that scientific evidence is brought to bear
in a way that supports dialogue, rather than deepening divisions and
differences of view.
• This can be achieved by ensuring that agreement is reached between
the parties involved in environmental conflict on the shared values that
underpin the interpretation of scientific evidence, what is considered
to be good-quality science (and the thresholds used to assess this)
and how future ‘unknowns’ (in the form of new and emerging issues)
will be dealt with to reduce the likelihood of conflict continuing to
re-occur over time.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLand use in Australia
Subtitle of host publicationPast, present and future
EditorsRichard Thackway
Place of PublicationCanberra, Australia
PublisherANU E Press
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9781921934421
ISBN (Print)9781921934414
Publication statusPublished - 19 Feb 2018


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