Everyday life information experiences in twitter: A grounded theory

Faye Miller, Kate Davis, Helen Partridge

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Introduction: This paper presents the findings from a project that investigated people's everyday life information experiences on Twitter. Method: The project employed constructivist grounded theory methodology, which emphasizes personal, subjective meaning-making or construction of reality. Eleven people from Boston, Massachusetts participated in the study. Each person participated in two in-depth interviews. Analysis: The study used the methods of constant comparison to create codes and categories towards constructing a new substantive model of information experiences on Twitter in the context of everyday life. Results: The substantive model constructed consists of twelve categories: Being aware of audiences; making sense of uncertainty; being part of a community; conversing freely; observing the world; having instant sources; being humorous; documenting life moments; being dependent; self-regulating; broadening horizons; and valuing diverse voices. Conclusion: A conceptual model of people's everyday life experiences on Twitter was developed from an innovative information experience lens. The model can be used to inform research and design, and to lead to better digital, social and personal outcomes related to social media.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-23
Number of pages23
JournalInformation Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


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