Experimental study of the mean wave overtopping rate of berm breakwaters at different wave steepness conditions

Karthika Pillai, Amir Etemad-Shahidi, Charles LEMCKERT

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Paperpeer-review


Small scale model tests are conducted to examine the wave overtopping behaviour of hardly/partly reshaping berm breakwaters at different wave steepness conditions (0.01 – 0.05). The estimated overtopping rates using the available prediction formulae for berm breakwaters were compared with the measured data (existing and new). It was found that some inaccuracies in estimating the measured overtopping rates exist, especially the new data. In order to better understand the influence of the wave steepness in these uncertainties, the discrepancy ratios of the estimated overtopping rates were plotted as functions of the wave steepness. The results showed that the uncertainties (of the order of 10-fold overestimation or underestimation) in the predictions are more pronounced for the wave steepness range outside 0.03 – 0.04. As such, the data from this study could be used to develop more robust formulae for overtopping rates at berm breakwaters.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2017
EventCoasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017 - Livrpool, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Sept 20177 Sept 2017
Conference number: 11


ConferenceCoasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017
Abbreviated titleICE2017
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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