Foreword: 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Adjunct Proceedings

Jakob E. Bardram, Marc Langheinrich, Khai N. Truong, Paddy Nixon

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Otherpeer-review


UbiComp has always included a variety of tracks, including posters, videos, demos, doctoral colloquium and workshops, as well as the main papers and notes track, adding to the richness of the conference and allowing people to present cutting edge work.

This year, we are innovating in a number of ways in the posters/demos/videos tracks. First, instead of asking authors to submit separately for each sub-track, we combined them into a single multimodal track using PCS. Reviewers were assigned by the chairs of each track that was chosen by the authors, and were asked to rate work by its value in each of the formats. Out of 79 multimodal submissions, we accepted 18 demos (1 also as video), 26 posters (3 also as videos), and 10 videos (including the shared ones), making a total of 50 accepted adjunct papers out of 79 submissions.

Second, we invited all accepted paper and note authors to additionally participate in the adjunct tracks, allowing their work to be shown in more than just the presentation format. At the time of writing we do not yet have the final numbers in, but we hope this allows the audience to see work showcased in the most appropriate format.

Third, we are inviting additional demos both from local participants and international labs in order to build a large and exciting interactive programme.

Fourth, following Pervasive 2010's successful lead, we are integrating videos into the main sessions to maximize their audience and impact.

Finally, and perhaps most significantly, we are extending the adjunct presentations from being confined to a single reception to multiple sessions throughout the conference. This means presenters have a chance to present on one day and then see other demos and posters on another day - something we've been asked for at town halls in the past. In order to achieve this we are cutting out the one minute madness; while a fun event, the time spent on this will instead be used to have more demo/poster sessions which are fun and informative. In addition to the posters/demos/videos tracks, UbiComp 2010 continues its tradition of inviting excellent doctoral candidates to present and discuss their doctoral research in a one-day Doctoral Colloquium preceding the main technical program. During the Colloquium, students receive valuable feedback and suggestions from their peers and a panel of invited industry and academic researchers. This year's DC accepted exciting research abstracts from 10 senior-level PhD students representing institutions in 6 different countries.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes
EventUbiComp’10 - 2010 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 26 Sept 201029 Sept 2010


ConferenceUbiComp’10 - 2010 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing

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