From nowhere, from somewhere: multimedia poetry installation, ; A3 typewriter, washing line, pegs, small handmade books


Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

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In Graham Mort’s essay, ‘The Workshop’ (2016), the author rediscovers an old typewriter and remembers writing his first poems, ‘testing the shapes of language against the space letters needed.’ In this project we re-examine the shapes and spaces of our own recent works – prose poems where poetry’s conventional line-breaks have been eschewed in favour of a more seamless block of text. Does a search for the ‘missing’ turnings and gaps restore to us any forgotten memories? And does our emphasis on physical elements and apparatus – the inclusion of a material poetics – assist in the quest?
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCanberra
PublisherBelconnen Arts Centre
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


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