Future Trends of Virtual, Augmented Reality, and Games for Health

Minhua Ma, Lakhmi JAIN, Paul Anderson

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapterpeer-review

25 Citations (Scopus)


Serious game is now a multi-billion dollar industry and is still growing steadily in many sectors. As a major subset of serious games, designing and developing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and serious games or adopting off-the-shelf games to support medical education, rehabilitation, or promote health has become a promising frontier in the healthcare sector since 2004, because games technology is inexpensive, widely available, fun and entertaining for people of all ages, with various health conditions and different sensory, motor, and cognitive capabilities. In this chapter, we provide the reader an overview of the book with a perspective of future trends of VR, AR simulation and serious games for healthcare.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVirtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1
EditorsMinhua Ma, Lakhmi c Jain, Paul Anderson
Place of PublicationGermany
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9783642548161
ISBN (Print)9783642548154
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Publication series

NameIntelligent Systems Reference Library
ISSN (Print)1868-4394
ISSN (Electronic)1868-4408


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