Gender and the creative labour market: Graduates in Australia and the UK

Scott Brook (Editor), Roberta Comunian (Editor), Jonathan Corcoran (Editor), Alessandra Faggian (Editor), Sarah Jewell (Editor), Jen Webb (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportEdited Bookpeer-review

    2 Citations (Scopus)


    This book describes the early career outcomes for female creative graduates in Australia and the UK. It applies the international UNESCO model of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to national graduate destination survey data in order to compare creative women's employment outcomes to those of men, as well as non-creative graduates. Chapters focus on opportunities for creative and cultural work, including salaries, geographic mobility, graduate jobs, underemployment, and skills transferability. The model covers a broad range of cultural and creative domains such as heritage, the performing arts, visual arts and craft, publishing and media industries, fashion, architecture and advertising. The book's purpose is to provide an informed discussion and empirical report to key stakeholders in the topic, such as academic researchers, teachers and students, as well as cultural sector organisations and education departments.

    Original languageEnglish
    Place of Publication9783031050664
    Number of pages155
    ISBN (Print)9783031050671
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Oct 2022

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