Girasol - Child nutrition monitor


    Research output: Non-textual formDesign


    Competition winner of a peer-reviewed competition, AID Ex Innovation Challenge.

    Our project focuses on the health issues associated with children in Panama. Panama is a Central American country with a population of about 3,4 million inhabitants (2010 census), of whom about 65% live in urban areas (UNICEF Panama 2013). Minors (ages 0 to 17) account for about 34% of the population. Of these, 45% live in the capital district. We have selected Panama as although it is classified as a developing country with a mid-range InequalityAdjusted HDI (IHDI); in the Latin American region it is defined as high in the human development segment with citizens that have access to and a knowledge of technology (UNDP 2014 Human Development Index). Product applications may therefore be accepted in developing countries with similar profiles. In terms of access to mobile services and Internet, according to the 2010 Census, 82% of minors live in homes where at least one of the parents has access to a mobile phone, 23% live in households where there is access to a computer, and 16% live in households where there is access to the Internet (although this figure may be higher due to access to the Internet via mobile phone). Due to a more widespread access to wireless signals in rural areas, mobile phones have become the main means of communication and access to the Internet in the country. In urban areas, 94% of minors live in households where there is access to a mobile, 36% live in households with access to a computer, and 26% live in households with access to the Internet. In rural areas, 66% of minors live in households with access to a mobile, 6% live in households with access to a computer, and 2% live in households that have access to the Internet.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBrussels, Belgium
    PublisherAidEx annual conference
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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