Global Good Practices in Sustainable Urban Regional Development

Brian Roberts, Hugh Schwartz, Johnny Carline, Lynda King, John Orange, Peter Cumming, Belinda Yuen, Joe Ravetz

    Research output: Textual Creative WorksOther contribution


    In putting together the ideas for this book, the Asian Development Bank and Cities Alliance felt it would be useful to provide small case studies (vignettes) of cities considered global leaders in developing and applying good practice in sustainable urban region development. The intent was to provide a benchmark for approaches to good practices, which cities in Asian countries could aim to achieve, recognizing the need to consider cultural, governance, legal, and level of development factors in applying these to specific countries. Many cities around the world are applying global good practices to achieve more sustainable urban region development. Selecting five case studies was very difficult. It was decided to select case studies of cities from each continent that demonstrate a high level of commitment and performance in achieving sustainable urban region development. The cities selected for the case studies are Curitiba, Vancouver, Brisbane, Singapore, and Manchester. Curitiba, Brazil
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputchapter
    PublisherAsian Development Bank and Cities Alliance
    Number of pages34
    Place of PublicationPhilippines
    ISBN (Print)9715616070
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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