Goal Orientation, Self-Efficacy, and Cross-Cultural Work Adjustment among Western Expatriates in Asia

Helen Parker, Anita Mak

    Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookConference contributionpeer-review

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    The present study extended Gong and Fan’s (2006) research with sojourning students’ adjustment, by investigating the effects of dispositional goal orientation (learning, performance-prove, and performance-avoid; VandeWalle, 1997), and self-efficacy in work and sociocultural competence, on two aspects of expatriates’ cross-cultural adjustment (operationalised as work adjustment and job satisfaction). Participants were 125 Western expatriate workers based in nine different Asian countries (68% male and 32% female; ranging from 24 to 62 years of age), who completed a questionnaire on expatriate adjustment. Learning goal orientation (and not performance-prove or performance-avoid goal orientation) was positively associated with work selfefficacy, work adjustment, and job satisfaction. Regression analysis of work adjustment revealed that the best predictor was age followed by work self-efficacy. A second regression analysis showed a medium effect size for sociocultural efficacy as the final predictor of job satisfaction. Three-step mediation analysis (Baron & Kenny, 1986) indicated that work self-efficacy mediated the relationship between learning goal orientation and work adjustment. Similarly, sociocultural efficacy mediated the relationship between learning goal orientation and expatriate job satisfaction.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of 42nd Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference : Psychology Making an Impact
    EditorsK Moore
    Place of PublicationAustralia
    PublisherAustralian Psychological Society Ltd
    Number of pages5
    ISBN (Print)9780909881337
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    Event42nd APS Annual Conference - Brisbane, Australia
    Duration: 25 Sept 200729 Sept 2007


    Conference42nd APS Annual Conference


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