Graduate Skills in Business Learning

Tori Vu, Brendan Rigby, Leigh Wood, Anne Daly

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This article presents the background to a general increase in interest in developing the graduate skills of undergraduates in business in Australian universities. The change reflects the call from industry for greater emphasis on these skills; changes in the existing skills of students commencing a business education; and in the perceived role of universities in developing their students’ capacities. The aim of our project, “Embedding the development and grading of generic skills across the business curriculum” (EDGGS), was to develop new ways of successfully embedding these skills in the curriculum. This article outlines the research methodology and presents our project outcomes. The project has made a significant contribution to the development of readily accessible material for the embedding of generic skills in the business curriculum, as discussed in this and the other articles in this Issue.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2-12
Number of pages11
JournalAsian Social Science
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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