Haraway's 'bag lady story-telling': relocating childhood and learning within a 'post-human landscape'

Affrica Taylor, Mindy Blaise, Miriam Giugni

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    In this article, we explore some alternate ways of approaching childhood and learning by taking three short forays into what Donna Haraway calls a ‘post-human landscape’. This exploration takes us beyond the horizons of orthodox educational approaches, in which the individual child is typically seen to be developing and learning within his/her (exclusively human) sociocultural context. The post-human landscape relocates childhood within a world that is much bigger than us (humans) and about more than our (human) concerns. It allows us to reconsider the ways in which children are both constituted by and learn within this more-than-human world. Adopting Haraway's feminist narrative strategy, we offer three very different ‘bag lady’ stories that consider the ethics and politics of child/non-human animal cross-species encounters. Each of these stories gestures towards the ways in which we can learn to live with ‘companion species’ rather than only ever learn about them
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)48-62
    Number of pages15
    JournalDiscourse (Abingdon)
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


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