HELP debt not expected to be repaid: Final report to Department of Education

Research output: Working paper


The University of Canberra has conducted several projects with the Department of Education over 2022 and 2023 to analyse aspects of the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) system and inform higher education (HE) policy and program design. This paper outlines the background to and findings from one of these projects – HELP debt not expected to be repaid. The project explores the characteristics of individuals who will not repay their HELP debt and also analyses the impact of higher education reforms, particularly the Demand Driven Funding system (Kemp & Norton, 2014) on loan repayment and non-repayment. Using descriptive data and a series of regression models, the project determines the cohort of students who are most affected from the reforms and the least likely to repay their debt. The project also compares the effect of completing a qualification on the loan repayment capacity of students.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages38
Publication statusUnpublished - 31 Aug 2023


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