Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Making approach for the evaluation of sustainable photovoltaic farms locations

Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abduallah Gamal, Osama M. ELkomy

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22 Citations (Scopus)


As a result of the increased demand for energy combined with the limitations of traditional energy sources, it is necessary to turn to renewable energy sources such as solar energy, which is one of the most promising technologies to assist the transition towards sustainable development. With the increasing interest in renewable energies in general and solar energy in particular, attempts have been made to ensure that solar energy technologies provide an amount of energy equal to or close to the amount of energy currently consumed. Solar photovoltaic farm applications have become so widespread that they are now relied upon to produce massive amounts of energy for use in factories and homes. In this regard, identifying and prioritizing convenient areas for the construction of expensive solar photovoltaic farms is an important issue. Additionally, determining the suitable geographical locations for photovoltaic farms is not only related to the amount of solar radiation received, but many dimensions must be taken into accounts such as technical, economic, environmental, socio-political dimensions, risks, and their sub-indicators. To overcome the problem of prioritizing and selecting the best location for solar photovoltaic farms to achieve sustainability factors resulting from the presence of many different indicators, this paper applies a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach under a neutrosophic environment. Initially, the Delphi method is employed to capture preference and to determine the dimensions and their indicators in addition to provide preference among sub-indicators and available alternatives. The proportional importance of the designated dimensions and their sub-indicators was evaluated by the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory. Then, Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje is adopted to rank seven solar photovoltaic farm locations in Egypt. The Benban solar photovoltaic farm is shown to be the most sustainable alternative among the solar photovoltaic farm locations followed by Darb Al Arbaeen solar photovoltaic farm and so has priority for increased installation investments in solar energy production. To validate the proposed approach, results comparisons were implemented to indicate the advantages of the hybrid multi-criteria decision-making methods. Sensitivity analysis reveals that changing criteria weightings does not affect the ranking order.

Original languageEnglish
Article number129526
Pages (from-to)1-25
Number of pages25
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2021
Externally publishedYes


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