Indigenous Political Journalism in the Norwegian and Swedish Public Service Broadcasters

Eli Skogerbø, Eva Josefsen, Anna Maria Fjellström

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Across the world, Indigenous peoples are reclaiming their cultural and political identities, after having suffered decades of assimilation, repression and marginalisation. A major tool in this process is Indigenous journalism, which allows for storytelling and news reporting from the inside, as opposed to being a marginalised group that is only reported about from the outside. This article presents a comparative analysis of Indigenous political journalism as practised in the Norwegian and Swedish public broadcasters. The article explains the differences between the practices of NRK Sápmi and SR Sameradion & SVT Sápmi regarding their reporting on the campaign leading up to the Sámediggi elections in Norway and Sweden in 2013. The analysis shows that Sámi journalists on both sides of the border adhere to commonly shared characteristics of Indigenous journalism practices, but with considerable variation between them. There are two main conclusions of the analysis. First, NRK Sápmi and SR Sameradion & SVT Sápmi indeed practise Indigenous journalism, but do so differently, and second, ethnic identity counts, but institutions decide. Sámi journalism is constrained not only by national borders but also by the institutional framework of the parent company, the public service remits and the resources available to them.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)991-1008
Number of pages18
JournalJournalism Studies
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 19 May 2019
Externally publishedYes


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