Intelligent Agents for Data Mining and Information Retrieval

    Research output: Book/ReportAnthology


    There is a large increase in the amount of information available on World Wide Web and also in number of online databases. This information abundance increases the complexity of locating relevant information. Such a complexity drives the need for improved and intelligent systems for search and information retrieval. Intelligent agents are currently used to improve the search and retrieval information on World Wide Web. The use of existing search and retrieval engines with the addition of intelligent agents allows a more comprehensive search with a performance that can be measured. Intelligent Agents for Data Mining and Information Retrieval discusses the foundation as well as the practical side of intelligent agents and their theory and applications for web data mining and information retrieval. The book can used for researchers at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels as well as a reference of the state-of-art for cutting edge researchers
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUnited States
    PublisherIdea Group Publishing
    Number of pages327
    ISBN (Print)9781591401940
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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