Language Support for Statistics Learners

Alice Richardson, Felicia Zhang

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Paper


In this paper we report on the results of an experiment conducted in the unit Introduction to Statistics at the University of Canberra. A variety of strategies, referred to as games, sets and matches, were employed, many of which emanate from the teaching of foreign languages. These included personal strategies for the lecturer such as recording lectures, individual strategies for the students such as the use of Hot Potatoes software, and group strategies for the students such as vocabulary cards and in-class activities and discussions. The aim of the experiment was firstly to improve students’ use of statistical language, and secondly to see if we were indeed still teaching statistics, and improving overall student performance in the unit.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventOZCOTS 2008 - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 3 Jul 20084 Jul 2008


ConferenceOZCOTS 2008


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