Limb Strength and Balance in Community-Dwelling Older Women

Yuanyuan Tian, Jia Han, Junpeng Zhu, Liping Lu, Roger Adams, Judith Anson, Gordon Waddington

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


Strength and balance deficits are important factors contributing to falls risk in the community-dwelling older women.

PURPOSE: To investigate upper and lower limb strength and static and dynamic balance in community-dwelling older women.

METHODS: Forty-three active female volunteers, aged 60 to 89, were divided into three groups: G1 (under 65 years, n=16); G2 (65 to 74 years, n=14); and G3 (75 years and above, n=13). Their upper limb strength - hand grip (HG), lower limb strength - 30 seconds chair stand (STS), dynamic balance - timed up-and-go test (TUGT) and static balance - bipedal anterior-posterior sway with eyes open and closed (APO and APC, respectively), and bipedal medial-lateral sway with eyes open and closed (MLO and MLC, respectively) were assessed.

RESULTS: Polynomial Trend analysis showed that most variables decreased significantly and linearly across the 3 age categories (HG: F=4.92, p=0.032; STS: F=5.82, p=0.021; TUGT: F=7.92, p=0.008; APC: F=6.27, p=0.016; MLO: F=5.63, p=0.023; MLC: F=4.59, p=0.038), but HG and MLC also had a quadratic component (F=11.31, p=0.002 and F=4.30, p=0.045, respectively). Specifically, HG held up well into the mid-seventies, then dropped markedly; while MLC declined immediately after women turned 65. GH and STS were significantly inter-correlated (r=0.39 p=0.01), and both were significantly correlated with dynamic balance function - TUGT (r=-0.40 p=0.008 and r=-0.65 p
CONCLUSIONS: These findings have important implications for therapeutic exercise interventions designed to maintain and improve strength and balance in community-dwelling older women.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)684-684
Number of pages1
JournalMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2017


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