Living in harmony with our environment: A paradigm shift

P. Buergelt, D. Paton, B. Sithole, K. K. Sangha, P.S.D.V. Prasadarao, O.B. Campion, J. Campion

Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapterpeer-review


Humans and nature are intimately and interdependently intertwined. They interact reciprocally over time and affect each other in a relationship characterized by continuous change. A failure to recognize this, according to Grande (2000, p. 354), has resulted in humanity experiencing a crisis “rooted in the increasingly virulent relationship between human beings and the rest of nature.” This increasingly disharmonious relationship is contributing to the occurrence of extreme natural events, and to their impacts being more serious and enduring (Buergelt, Paton, Campbell, James & Cottrell, in press ; Paton, Buergelt, & Campbell, 2015). We suggest that to stem this tide humanity needs to urgently (re)establish harmonious relationships with nature. This chapter introduces this topic by first drawing attention to the fact that it is untenable to think about resilience as including bouncing back from shocks to ‘normal’ life.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDisaster resilience
Subtitle of host publicationAn integrated approach
EditorsDouglas Paton, David Moore Johnston
Place of PublicationSpringfield, USA
PublisherCharles C. Thomas Publisher Ltd
Number of pages19
ISBN (Print)9780398091699
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes


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