Mandate for change: Towards an integrated service delivery model


Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This report evaluates the present service delivery model deployed across AusIndustry Business Services (AI-BS) Division, and the Innovation Programmes (IP) Division supported by the Digital Strategy and Operations (DSO) Division. We assess its ability to: 1) adapt to its’ recent ‘whole of government’ service mandate; 2) meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders; and 3), demonstrate that it is future proof, possessing the necessary governance enablers and technologies to support long term thinking and service change.

With these aims in mind this report focuses on identifying perceptions of the key enablers, and barriers to high quality service delivery, and gathering stakeholder insights into the capability, governance enablers and technologies to support long term thinking and service change. The aim here is to achieve better integration and collaborative behaviours across the three divisions and to ensure that the Department is well positioned for grants administration market testing in 2021.

A key building block to enable the adoption and implementation of the report’s recommendations is the timely alignment of programme management and delivery functions and better articulation of roles and accountabilities. Many of the underlying drivers of the areas for improvement stem from and/or are exacerbated by the current structures. The report has therefore proposed a number of alternative future-state structure options, with a preferred option recommended.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherCommonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.
Commissioning bodyDepartment of Industry, Innovation and Science
Number of pages103
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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