Mapping the Potential: Understanding persistent disadvantage to inform community change

Brenton Prosser, Gabriel Helleren-Smith

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Mapping the Potential research is driven directly by the local needs of Catholic social services Australia member organisations – seeking to address the underlying drivers of disadvantage in communities. Mapping the Potential has examined disadvantage using four drivers: education, economic, health and social factors. By mapping disadvantage through the lens of these four drivers we are able to understand where opportunities need creating so that communities might reach their full potential.

Mapping the Potential, is a partnership between Catholic Social Services Australia and, 21 of its members and the Australian National University’s Centre for Social Research Methods. The research identifies locations of persistent disadvantage by suburb. However, to reduce the risk of suburbs being singled out, it reports by electorate. Mapping the Potential research discovers that in nearly every electorate in Australia there are people experiencing persistent disadvantage. Mapping the Potential draws on the experience of decades of Catholic social service in Australia and combined with academic research excellence provides the capacity for better service delivery decision making.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCanberra
PublisherCatholic Social Services Australia
Commissioning bodyCatholic Social Services Australia
Number of pages99
ISBN (Electronic)9780648774891
ISBN (Print)9780648774860
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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