Measuring maternal satisfaction with maternity care: A systematic integrative review. What is the most appropriate, reliable and valid tool that can be used to measure maternal satisfaction with continuity of maternity care?

Deborah DAVIS, Noelyn Perriman

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

38 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: The objective of this systematic integrative review is to identify, summarise and communicate the findings of research relating to tools that measure maternal satisfaction with continuity of maternity care models. In so doing the most appropriate, reliable and valid tool that can be used to measure maternal satisfaction with continuity of maternity care will be determined. Design and methods: A systematic integrative review of published and unpublished literature was undertaken using selected databases. Research papers were included if they measured maternal satisfaction in a continuity model of maternity care, were published in English after 1999 and if they included (or made available) the instrument used to measure satisfaction. Results: Six hundred and thirty two unique papers were identified and after applying the selection criteria, four papers were included in the review. Three of these originated in Australia and one in Canada. The primary focus of all papers was not on the development of a tool to measure maternal satisfaction but on the comparison of outcomes in different models of care. The instruments developed varied in terms of the degree to which they were tested for validity and reliability. Conclusion: Women's satisfaction with maternity services is an important measure of quality. Most satisfaction surveys in maternity appear to reflect fragmented models of care though continuity of care models are increasing in line with the evidence demonstrating their effectiveness. It is important that robust tools are developed for this context and that there is some consistency in the way this is measured and reported for the purposes of benchmarking and quality improvement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)293-299
Number of pages7
JournalWomen and Birth
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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