Megalomania: 33 Years of Posters made at Megalo Print Studio (1980-2013)

    Research output: Book/ReportOther


    A catalogue of posters held in the Megalo Print Studio archive, from our beginnings in 1980 to the present day, offers a fascinating insight into the lifestyles and passions of the Canberra community. Megalo was first housed in a tin shed at Ainslie Village, providing screen printing services and equipment for artists and community groups. The early posters include callouts to rallies, promotions for local theatre, music gigs and exhibitions, political viewpoints and other clues to what was engaging Canberra residents at that particular time. Over the course of its 33 year history, the Megalo archive has grown to include over 800 prints.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationCanberra
    PublisherMegalo Print Studio
    Number of pages144
    ISBN (Print)9780646595108
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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