Message from the Academic Program Chair

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Otherpeer-review


It gives me great pleasure to introduce the conference proceedings from the 30th International Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Conference. This conference included just short of 30 presentations
and in excess of 50 theoretical and practical workshops or symposia. Many of these presentations are represented in the following proceedings with more papers forthcoming in a soon to be published special edition of the peer reviewed
Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts.

The breadth and scope of the papers included here show the diverse nature of health and physical education (HPE) in Australia and the equivalent subject area overseas. Domestically, the HPE key learning area is at an important juncture through the recent adoption of the Australian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education. As a consequence of this innovative and long awaited curriculum each of the papers is grouped according to its five propositions. Through addressing these propositions, each article makes an important step towards meaningful change and a move away from what could be broadly termed traditional ways of ‘doing’ HPE. This ‘sea change’ demonstrates clear intent towards meeting the goals of the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians and helps make our curriculum both contemporary and relevant. Of course, ACHPER represents more than just HPE, and this wider focus is also reflected in the papers.

As Chair of the Academic Program Committee I would like to thank the authors for choosing to submit their respective paper or papers to this conference. By supporting the conference in this way each author is contributing to ACHPER’s strategic priority of advocacy for HPE and related fields. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the entire Academic Program Committee for their sustained effort in helping manage the review process. I also wish to express my gratitude to our team of national and international reviewers for their expertise and attentiveness in reviewing each article. All of the reviewers did this work around their own busy schedules and it would not have been possible to have produced the quality of work evident here without their highly valued input. Thank you also to Alison Turner, ACHPER National Executive Director, for her continuous support throughout this process and to the conference Co-directors Dr Shane Pill and Rick Baldock for their direction and expert advice. Finally, a special thank you to Rhiannon Dodd, ACHPER Event Coordinator and Communications Administrator, for her diligence, patience and attentiveness in managing the administration of the review process. We hope that you enjoy the papers presented within these proceedings.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event30th ACHPER International Conference - University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia
Duration: 16 Jan 201718 Jan 2017


Conference30th ACHPER International Conference
Abbreviated titleACHPER 2017
Internet address


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