Mobile and wireless technologies: security and risk factors

Gregor Urbas, Tony Krone

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


Mobile and wireless technologies have evolved beyond recognition since the first radio signals were transmitted in the late nineteenth century. The advent of mobile phones and similar devices has transformed business and social interactions, and Internet access no longer depends on a wired system such as a modem connected to a telephone landline - rather, it can be achieved using a mobile enabled device whenever and wherever a mobile access point is available. Such access points or hot spots are now widely available in airports, hotels, educational institutions and other public buildings, and increasing numbers of wireless networks are being installed in commercial buildings and private homes. With growing mobile access to wireless networks, the demarcation between public and private space is being redefined. This has important implications in terms of security for those who make a mobile access point available and for those who use it. This paper describes the security and risk factors associated with mobile and wireless technologies which need to be understood and addressed to ensure safe and secure business and personal use of mobile technologies
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCanberra
PublisherAustralian Institute of Criminology
Commissioning bodyAustralian Institute of Criminology
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9781921185252
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameTrends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
PublisherAustralian Institute of Criminology
ISSN (Print)0817-8542


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