Multi-scale assessment of human-induced changes to Amazonian instream habitats

Cecilia Leal, Paulo Pompeu, Toby Gardner, Rafael Leitão, Robert Hughes, Phil Kaufmann, Jansen Zuanon, Felipe de Paula, Silvio Ferraz, Ralph MAC NALLY, Joice Ferreira, Jos Barlow

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Context: Land use change and forest degradation have myriad effects on tropical ecosystems. Yet their consequences for low-order streams remain very poorly understood, including in the world´s largest freshwater basin, the Amazon. Objectives: Determine the degree to which physical and chemical characteristics of the instream habitat of low-order Amazonian streams change in response to past local- and catchment-level anthropogenic disturbances. Methods: To do so, we collected field instream habitat (i.e., physical habitat and water quality) and landscape data from 99 stream sites in two eastern Brazilian Amazon regions. We used random forest regression trees to assess the relative importance of different predictor variables in determining changes in instream habitat response variables. Results: Multiple drivers, operating at multiple spatial scales, were important in determining changes in the physical habitat and water quality of the sites. Although we found few similarities in modelled relationships between the two regions, we observed non-linear responses of specific instream characteristics to landscape change; for example 20 % of catchment deforestation resulted in consistently warmer streams. Conclusions: Our results highlight the importance of local riparian and catchment-scale forest cover in shaping instream physical environments, but also underscore the importance of other land use changes and activities, such as road crossings and upstream agriculture intensification. In contrast to the property-scale focus of the Brazilian Forest code, which governs environmental regulations on private land, our results reinforce the importance of catchment-wide management strategies to protect stream ecosystem integrity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1725-1745
Number of pages21
JournalLandscape Ecology
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2016


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