Numbers of Breeding Little Eagles Hieraaetus Morphnoides in the Australian Capital Territory in 2008

Jerry Olsen, Mark Osgood, Michael Maconachie, Geoffrey Dabb, Martin Butterfield

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial


In 2008 we surveyed 11 Little Eagle territories in and near the
Australian Capital Territory that were occupied in 1990-1992. In addition we
solicited reports from COG members and ACT Parks, Conservation and Lands
personnel in an effort to find all Little Eagle nesting attempts in the ACT in 2008.
Of the 11 active 1990-1992 territories, one, at the Pegasus riding school, was
occupied by a breeding pair in 2008. In the new survey, aimed at finding all ACT
nests, we re-located the three 'new' territories, near Dunlop, on the Lions Youth
Haven agistment paddock near McQuoids Hill, and one near Duntroon (shifted its
nest from Fyshwick). Four breeding pairs in the ACT fledged a total of four
young. Also, 21 of the 26 ACT Wedge-tailed Eagle territories surveyed in 2002-
2003 were surveyed in 2008; 12 of the 21 territories were abandoned. Canberra
may lose Wedge-tailed Eagles as a breeding species in the city.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-85
Number of pages5
JournalCanberra Bird Notes
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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