On Trust and Influence: A Computational Red Teaming Game Theoretic Perspective

Eleni PETRAKI, Hussein Aly Abbass

    Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookConference contributionpeer-review

    13 Citations (Scopus)


    The concept of trust has attracted the attention of many researchers over the years who studied the impact of trust in many domains. Trust is a ubiquitous concept. It is pervasive in every aspect of our life, from interpersonal relationships to national defence and security applications. However, despite the vast literature on trust, we are not close enough to mastering the dynamics of trust. One reason is that if we define procedural steps for trust, we simultaneously define steps for deception; thus, we simply define a vacuous cycle. Another reason is that, the dynamics of trust change as the world changes. But how can we then study trust? This paper connects the interdisciplinary literature to synthesize a Computational Red Teaming (CRT) based model of trust that defines opportunities whereby computational intelligence techniques, more specifically, evolutionary game theory researchers, can contribute to this vastly growing research area. We offer a position on the topic by reviewing games for trust and introduce a new theoretic game to study influence and transfer of trust.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2014 7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications
    EditorsL Bui, H Abbas, R Abielmona, A Namatame
    Place of PublicationUSA
    PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Electronic)9781479954315
    ISBN (Print)9781479954315
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2015
    Event7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications - Hanoi, Hanoi, Viet Nam
    Duration: 14 Dec 201417 Dec 2014

    Publication series

    NameProceedings of the 2014 7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications, CISDA 2014


    Conference7th IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications
    Country/TerritoryViet Nam


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