Open access solutions for biodiversity journals: Do not replace one problem with another

A. Townsend Peterson, Robert P. Anderson, Maria Beger, Janine Bolliger, Lluís Brotons, Christopher P. Burridge, Marlon E. Cobos, Angela P. Cuervo-Robayo, Enrico Di Minin, Jeffrey Diez, Jane Elith, Clare B. Embling, Luis E. Escobar, Franz Essl, Kenneth J. Feeley, Lucy Hawkes, Daniel Jiménez-García, Laura Jimenez, David M. Green, Eva KnopIngolf Kühn, José J. Lahoz-Monfort, Andres Lira-Noriega, Jorge M. Lobo, Rafael Loyola, Ralph Mac Nally, Fernando Machado-Stredel, Enrique Martínez-Meyer, Michael McCarthy, Cory Merow, Javier Nori, Claudia Nuñez-Penichet, Luis Osorio-Olvera, Petr Pyšek, Marcel Rejmánek, Anthony Ricciardi, Mark Robertson, Octavio Rojas Soto, Daniel Romero-Alvarez, Núria Roura-Pascual, Luca Santini, David S. Schoeman, Boris Schröder, Jorge Soberon, Diederik Strubbe, Wilfried Thuiller, Anna Traveset, Eric A. Treml, Tomáš Václavík, Sara Varela, James E.M. Watson, Yolanda Wiersma, Brendan Wintle, Carlos Yanez-Arenas, Damaris Zurell

Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


For much of the twentieth century, many or most scholarly journalsin biodiversity, ecology, biogeography and conservation were owned and published by scientific societies and made available to the broader scientific community at relatively low cost. However, the past several decades have seen a dominant process of commercialization of the publication process in this field, either by commercial publishing firms taking over publication of journals owned by a society (e.g., Evolution), or by commercial publishers starting new journals to fill “niches” that were until then empty in the scholarly publishing ecosystem. Diversity and Distributions is an example of this latter category of journals, hav -ing been created by Wiley Publishers in 1993 (as Biodiversity Letters). Being a journal owned by a commercial publisher, it has always been accessed by readers via subscription, but the publication process has been free to potential authors whose work has passed peer review.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-8
Number of pages4
JournalDiversity and Distributions
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


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