Participatory Barriers to the Informal Learning of Older Australians using the Internet and Web 2.0 Technologies

Michelle Sofo, Francesco Sofo

    Research output: A Conference proceeding or a Chapter in BookChapter


    This chapter aims to explore the real and perceived barriers that exist for older Australians when engaging with informal eLearning. The chapter has two main areas of focus: first, an examination of some of the challenges faced by older Australians engaging in informal eLearning, and second, an overview of two Australian initiatives designed to break down the barriers between older Australians and technology. The chapter commences with a review of the international literature to define informal learning before considering the intersection that exists between informal learning and online learning. The emerging social issues of the ageing Australian population are then presented to provide context to the main exploration within this chapter - the real and perceived barriers that exist for older Australians as they attempt to engage in eLearning. After discussing two community initiatives and introducing a model for surmounting the identified obstacles, the chapter discusses possible solutions making relevant recommendations and suggesting directions for future research.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdult and Continuing Education
    Subtitle of host publicationConcepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
    EditorsSabrina Leone
    Place of PublicationPennsylvania
    PublisherIGI Global
    Number of pages22
    ISBN (Electronic)9781466657816
    ISBN (Print)1466657804, 9781466657809
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2014


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