Pestplan Toolkit: A guide to setting priorities and developing a management plan for pest animals

Mike BRAYSHER, Glen Saunders

    Research output: Book/ReportAnthology


    PESTPLAN provides more than just planning, prioritisation and development tools. It also provides a process for implementation. PESTPLAN has been developed to assist those responsible for planning and undertaking pest animal management. This may include: • Commonwealth, State and Territory agriculture, forestry, environment and water agencies; • local pest management agencies (such as NSW Rural Lands Protection Boards or their equivalent); • Landcare groups; • local councils; and • other regional and local community-based groups. In practice, on-ground management of pest animals is most likely to occur at the regional or local level, and as such Landcare, catchment management and similar groups are the primary targets for PESTPLAN.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationAustralia
    PublisherNatural Heritage Trust
    Number of pages40
    ISBN (Print)9780975044303
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


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