PET: An eye-tracking dataset for animal-centric Pascal object classes

Syed Omer Gilani, Ramanathan Subramanian, Yan Yan, David Melcher, Nicu Sebe, Stefan Winkler

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Paperpeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


We present PET- the Pascal animal classes Eye Tracking database. Our database comprises eye movement recordings compiled from forty users for the bird, cat, cow, dog, horse and sheep trainval sets from the VOC 2012 image set. Different from recent eye-tracking databases such as [1, 2], a salient aspect of PET is that it contains eye movements recorded for both the free-viewing and visual search task conditions. While some differences in terms of overall gaze behavior and scanning patterns are observed between the two conditions, a very similar number of fixations are observed on target objects for both conditions. As a utility application, we show how feature pooling around fixated locations enables enhanced (animal) object classification accuracy.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2015
Externally publishedYes
EventIEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2015 - Turin, Italy
Duration: 29 Jun 20153 Jul 2015


ConferenceIEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2015


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