Plenary Lecture: Technology and Food Safety: Facts and Myths of Genetically Modified Food and Organic Food

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Otherpeer-review


The global population growth over the past century has also led to the substantial increase in demand for food. Based on the United Nations report [1], worlds population will surpass the 9.7 billion people by the year 2050 and this number is projected to climb well over 11 billion by the year 2100. If these numbers were compared to the global population only few years ago (2015), there will be a 53% more people requiring food and water supply in addition to medication, shelter and education [2]. Furthermore, the demographic areas that significantly contribute to this rapid growth include the regions of Africa and South Asia and in particular the individuals aged between 15-24 and aging populations (65 and over). Consequently, this will also result in different food consumption patterns that may affect the increase in requirements for several food items (cereals, fruit, vegetables, animal proteins) [1]. Therefore, it is evident that consumer behaviour and the increase in the number of people living on the planet are significantly influencing the future prospects of food and agriculture.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022
EventAnnual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka 2022 - Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Duration: 22 Jan 202223 Jan 2022


ConferenceAnnual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka 2022
Country/TerritorySri Lanka
CitySri Lanka


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