PNG & Solomon Islands Gender in Agriculture Environments: Comparison Report

Josephine Caffery, Deborah Hill, Lalen Simeon, Kiteni Kusunan Kurika, Delmay Basi, Gordon Rahe

Research output: Book/ReportOther


This report is a culmination of the two project leaders’ weekly discussions on each project’s gender challenges, enablers, and impacts. It draws on the Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Solomon Islands (SI) project’s gender and church context analysis, and gender overview of issues in SI and PNG agricultural environments. It also draws on the gender data collected by our in-country team members during each of the project’s activities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Commissioning bodyAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Number of pages39
Publication statusUnpublished - 3 Aug 2022


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