Pouffy the Breathing Pouf

Stephen BARRASS, Robert Davy, Joel Davy, Linda Davy, Tim Barrass

    Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


    Pouffy is an animated couch that provides a companionable presence in a room through a gentle breathing motion and sound. The coat of long, wispy faux fur accentuates the rise and fall of the breathing ‘body’ of the work. Coaxing the onlooker with inviting sounds that softly seek attention, Pouffy appeals to anyone nearby to come close and interact. When sat upon, Pouffy emits an excited and friendly stream of gurgles, warbles and tweets. As the participant sits and strokes the faux fur surface, Pouffy responds with a conversational engaging and entertaining variation of acoustic parameters
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBoras, Sweden
    PublisherExhibition of the Ambience Conference on Art, Technology and Design, University of Boras
    Media of outputOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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