Practising Social Justice:Measuring what matters local community organisations and social inclusion

Lynne Maree Keevers, Lesley Treleaven, Helen Backhouse, Michael Darcy

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This research report investigates the practice knowledge of locally-based community organisations. It then studies what happens when this local practice knowledge is translated into results-based accountability (RBA) planning processes with diverse organisations and institutions in the Illawarra community services field. The four papers that make up this report are part of a three-year research project called 'Valuing local NGO knowledge in planning community services' funded by an Australian Research Council Industry Linkage Grant. The Illawarra Forum Inc. conducted this research in partnership with the University of Sydney and the University of Western Sydney.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationJamberoo, N.S.W
PublisherIllawarra Forum Inc.
Number of pages126
ISBN (Print)9780958087032
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


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