Recovery of ambulation activity across the first six months post-stroke

Niru MAHENDRAN, Suzanne Kuys, Sandra Brauer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

35 Citations (Scopus)


Stroke survivors commonly adopt sedentary activity behaviours by the chronic phase of recovery. However, the change in activity behaviours from the subacute to chronic phase of stroke is variable. This study explored the recovery of ambulation activity (volume and bouts) at one, three and six months after hospital discharge post-stroke. A total of 42 stroke survivors were recruited at hospital discharge and followed up one, three and six months later. At follow-up, ambulation activity was measured over four days using the ActivPAL™ accelerometer. Measures included volume of activity and frequency and intensity of ambulation activity bouts per day. Linear mixed effects modelling was used to determine changes over time. There was wide variation in activity. Total step counts across all time points were below required levels for health benefits (mean 4592 SD 3411). Most activity was spread across short bouts. While most number of bouts was of low intensity, most time was spent in moderate intensity ambulation across all time points. Daily step count and time spent walking and sitting/lying increased from one month to three and six months. The number of and time spent in short and medium duration bouts increased from one to six months. Time in long duration bouts increased at three months only. Time spent in moderate intensity ambulation increased over time. No change was observed for any other measures. In future, it would be valuable to identify strategies to increase engagement in activity behaviours to improve health outcomes after stroke
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)271-276
Number of pages6
JournalGait Posture
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016


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