title = "Seasonal movements of female snowy owls breeding in the western north American arctic",
abstract = "The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) is a circumpolar raptor that nests in Arctic tundra. Satellite tracking of nesting Snowy Owls in Alaska and eastern Canada has allowed researchers to document the widely nomadic movements of these owls between summer and winter ranges. This study expands that knowledge for Snowy Owls in the western Canadian Arctic. Based on previous studies, we predicted that owls: (1) would not have strong fidelity to specific winter or summer ranges; (2) would travel widely in search of breeding and nonbreeding areas at which they would settle for considerable time (months); (3) would choose areas to settle based on prey concentration; and (4) would use a mix of overwintering strategies, with some staying in Arctic and boreal regions, and some migrating south. Movement patterns of four female owls captured at nesting sites on Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, Canada, supported the first two predictions. The third prediction was partly supported: some sites of summer settlement were located where prey was relatively abundant, whereas other selected sites did not appear to have enough prey for successful nesting. The latter sites may have been the best available in those areas, however. Sites of winter settlement generally overlapped regions with high abundance of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) or ptarmigan (Lagopus spp.), and were located in relatively open alpine, subalpine, or wetland environments, where prey were likely most accessible. Contrary to our last prediction, all four study owls settled in boreal Alaska and the northern Yukon Territory. This pattern contrasts with observations that eastern North American Snowy Owls rarely wintered in the boreal biome. This study highlights the need to better understand the habitat choices and food habits of wintering Snowy Owls in the northern boreal mountains.",
keywords = "Bubo scandiacus, Migration, Movements, North America, Seasonal habitat, Snowy Owl, Wintering, Yukon Territory",
author = "Doyle, {Frank I.} and Therrien, {Jean Fran{\c c}ois} and Reid, {Donald G.} and Gilles Gauthier and Krebs, {Charles J.}",
note = "Funding Information: This is a publication of the International Polar Year project Arctic Wildlife Observatories Linking Vulnerable EcoSystems (ArcticWOLVES) administered by Universit{\'e} Laval (Gauthier and Berteaux 2011). Several people and agencies were instrumental in this work. A. Blachford, A. Kenney, P. Madsen, and M. Nelligan assisted in capturing the owls. Staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service (C. McIntyre, M. Bertram, D. DiFolco, M. Hinkes, J. Burch, T. Doolittle, and E. Wald), the Yukon Territorial Government (D. Mossop), and Old Crow (M. Williams) provided ground observations of prey abundance at wintering sites. The research relied on the logistical assistance of the staff of the Polar Continental Shelf Program (Natural Resources Canada), the Rangers of Yukon{\textquoteright}s Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island) Territorial Park, and the Aurora Research Institute in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. The research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) International Polar Year program, the Canadian federal government{\textquoteright}s International Polar Year program (Project MD-021), and the Northern Student Training Program, both administered by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence ArcticNet, the Polar Continental Shelf Program (Natural Resources Canada), and Wildlife Conservation Society Canada. We captured and handled all owls with protocols approved by the Animal Care Committee of the University of British Columbia (permit #A06-0132), and under the authority of Canadian Wildlife Service (Environment Canada) Banding Permit #10758 B. We thank D. Holt, two anonymous reviewers, and the Associate Editor for comments that substantially improved an earlier version of this report. Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2017 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.",
year = "2017",
month = dec,
doi = "10.3356/JRR-16-51.1",
language = "English",
volume = "51",
pages = "428--438",
journal = "Journal of Raptor Research",
issn = "0892-1016",
publisher = "Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.",
number = "4",