Self-Teaching Student’s Manual for Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

George CHO

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Paper


This paper is a report of a project that was undertaken to produce a self-teaching manual for students wishing to acquire technical skills in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Such skills are required in the analysis of locational data such as those found in aerial photographs, satellite images and digital maps. The self-teaching manual includes theory, applications and sample data sets for practice exercises. Such a manual is designed to shorten the learning time necessary to master the technical aspects of the software that is being used to analyze the spatial data. The technical skills are imparted in an interesting way using everyday examples. The manual will also appeal to social scientists, landscape architects and environmental managers and planners who have little or no background in GIS and information technology. Part 1 of this paper describes the objectives and teaching innovations that have been introduced. Part 2 discusses some of the successes of such an approach, as well as some of the difficulties that have been encountered. Part 3 summarizes some lessons and observations with the self-teaching approach and the alternatives to teaching and learning of technical skills and subjects.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 1996
EventThe First Annual Teaching in the Community Colleges (TCC-L) : On-line Conference on Innovative Instructional Packages -
Duration: 2 May 19964 May 1996


ConferenceThe First Annual Teaching in the Community Colleges (TCC-L)


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