Sexual and unisexual Australian carp gudgeons (Hypseleotris, Gobioidei: Eleotridae): insight from cytogenetics

Zuzana Majtanova, Tariq Ezaz, Petr Rab, Peter Unmack

Research output: Contribution to conference (non-published works)Paper

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The genus Hypseleotris, the most abundant and the most enigmatic group of native fish in Australia, represents a model system where interspecific hybridization among sympatric produces unisexual lineages behaving reproductively as so-called ‘sexual parasites’. The perpetuation of such lineages requires mating with a sexual congener, despite not passing any of its genes onto progeny. Based on the previous research, there are several puzzling evolutionary outcomes providing a significant challenge to the standard paradigm underpinning sexual parasitism. Here, we present cytogenetic analysis in five sexual species and two hybrid biotypes of Hypseleotris using standard and molecular cytogenetic protocols. We describe significant differences among and inside lineages (diploid chromosome number, chromosome morphologies and variability on the sub-chromosomal level). Moreover we observed unexceptional interindividual variability in males from different lineages. Differences were observed in chromosomal numbers and morphology between metaphases obtained from testes and somatic tissues suggesting unusual system of meiotic division. Our cytogenetic description of this unique unisexual fish species complex helps to disentangle of processes leading to origin and maintenance of uni/sexual lineages and contributes to general understanding of sex evolution.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventXVI European Congress of Ichthyology - Aquatis Hotel, Lausanne, Switzerland
Duration: 2 Sept 20196 Sept 2019


ConferenceXVI European Congress of Ichthyology


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