So far: Michele Leggott, codes and multiplicities

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Discussions of the undecidability, indeterminacy and disruptive or subversive tendencies of texts are broadly consistent across a variety of literary theories. Literature itself forces the issue of indeterminacy of meaning, largely because of ‘the undecidable nature of figurative language’ (Culler 1981, 35-36), and poetry’s emphasis on language means that it often exemplifies, or is used to exemplify, literary ideas. These ideas of indeterminacy find their apogee in assemblage theory’s resistance to definition, and to the celebration of context. In this paradigm, diversity is paramount, illustrated by the idea that ‘there are only multiplicities of multiplicities forming a single assemblage, operating in the same assemblage: packs in masses and masses in packs’ (Deleuze & Guatarri 1988, 34).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)22-48
Number of pages27
JournalKa Mate Ka Ora: a New Zealand journal of poetry and poetics
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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