Social organisation and interspecific interactions in two sympatric species of Ranidella (Anura)


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    The socio-spatial organisation of two sympatric species of anurans was investigated by analyses of the spatial and temporal structure of breeding assemblages. Ranidella signifera breeds earlier in the year than its congener, R. parinsignifera, though there is an overlap of 6 to 8 weeks. Males of both species show high affinities for discrete spatial locations (preferred calling stations). These stations are regularly-spaced, and temporally-stable. Satellite behaviour occurs, though most satellites are past or future residential males. There appears to be a spatial-energetic limit to the number of calling residents of both species that a pond can support. There is no differentiation of calling sites between the two species, and the males of R. parinsignifera appear to displace their congeners from the preferred stations located on the land/water interface of ponds. The breeding season of R. signifera in sympatry is abbreviated relative to nearby (≃20 km) allopatric localities. The breeding seasons of conspecific males and females are well-synchronised, though the ratio of males to females is high early in the breeding season.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)293-306
    Number of pages14
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1979

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