Talking to Strangers

UK Frederick, Katie Hayne

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

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Talking to Strangers was a two-part installation of reclaimed graffiti arranged on the wall, accompanied by a cairn of spray-painted granite rocks. It was intended to reflect on the material gestures that people leave in and shape the landscape (rural and urban). It reveals a kind of language or form of address that on the one hand can be recognised and partially understood but which on the other hand is never fully open or recoverable as a coherent conversation, in part because the writer and reader never actually meet. Fragments, glimpses, shapes, floating words – material poetics. The artwork was exhibited in Material Poetics at Australian National Capital Artists gallery, ACT curated Caren Florance and Jen Webb. A poem developed in conjunction with the work was read by Katie Hayne at the gallery during the launch of UC's Poetry Festival. A catalogue was produced, and a public artist talk given by UK Frederick and Katie Hayne.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCanberra
PublisherAustralian National Capital Artists (ANCA)
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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