The 2019 review of IPBES and future priorities: reaching beyond assessment to enhance policy impact

Anne Sophie Stevance, Peter Bridgewater, Selim Louafi, Nicholas King, T. Douglas Beard, Albert S. Van Jaarsveld, Zenda Ofir, Ryo Kohsaka, Karen Jenderedijan, Marina Rosales Benites, Kalemani Joseph Mulongoy, Kalpana Lalitkumar Chaudhari, James Painter, Andrew Meter

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The Intergovernmental Science–Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent scientific body focused on assessing the state of the world’s ecosystem services and biodiversity. IPBES members agreed in 2017 that a review of the Platform’s first work programme should be undertaken by an independent panel examining all aspects of IPBES’ work–including implementation of the four functions of IPBES; policies, operating principles and procedures; governance structure and arrangements; communication, stakeholder engagement and partnerships; and funding mechanisms. The review found that for IPBES to have its anticipated transformative impact: 

● All four functions of IPBES (i.e. assessment, knowledge generation, policy support, capacity building), with better communication, must be significantly strengthened, integrated and delivered together; 

● The policy aspects of IPBES work need to be strengthened and greater emphasis needs to be placed on the co-design and co-production of assessments; 

● A more strategic and collaborative approach to stakeholders is needed; and 

● IPBES must develop a more sustainable financial base. 

Given those changes, IPBES, as an embryonic boundary organization, can become the key influencing organization in the global  landscape of biodiversity and ecosystem services organizations, helping thus to  catalyze transformative change in the relationship between people and the rest of nature. EDITED BY Patricia Balvanera.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)70-77
Number of pages8
JournalEcosystems and People
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


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