The Association between Whole Grain Products Consumption and Successful Aging: A Combined Analysis of MEDIS and ATTICA Epidemiological Studies

Alexandra Foscolou, Nathan M D'Cunha, Nenad Naumovski, Stefanos Tyrovolas, Christina Chrysohoou, Loukianos Rallidis, Antonia-Leda Matalas, Labros S Sidossis, Demosthenes Panagiotakos

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The quality of carbohydrates in the diet, including whole grains, matters greatly to health. There is emerging evidence supporting various protective effects from whole grain consumption against certain chronic diseases. However, being free of disease is not a requirement for healthy ageing, as many older adults have one or more health conditions but, when well controlled, have little influence on their wellbeing. The present study aimed to evaluate the association between whole grain consumption on successful aging, through an analysis of a sample of n = 3349, over-50-years-old men and women participating in the ATTICA and MEDIS population-based cross-sectional studies. Successful aging was evaluated using the validated successful aging index (SAI, range 0-10) comprising of health-related social, lifestyle and clinical components. High whole grain intake was positively associated with SAI as compared with low (b ± SE: 0.278 ± 0.091, p = 0.002), whereas no significant associations were observed between moderate whole grain consumption and SAI (p > 0.05). Increased whole grain intake has been associated with several health benefits, and, as is shown here, with higher successful aging levels. Therefore, consumption of whole grains should be encouraged, especially by replacing refined grains, without increasing total energy intake.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1221
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


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