The Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire: A cross-country examination among university students in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Argentina, and the United States

Byron L. Zamboanga, Robert E. Wickham, Amanda M. George, Janine V. Olthuis, Angelina Pilatti, Michael B. Madson, Kayla Ford, Emma Dresler

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire (B-YAACQ) was designed to measure alcohol consequences and identify at-risk students. It was developed and originally validated among university students in the United States (U.S.), yet it is widely used in both the U.S. and abroad. Using the alignment method, we tested whether the B-YAACQ measures alcohol consequences similarly across university students in several countries where heavy alcohol use and related outcomes are prevalent. Methods: The sample consisted of 1473 university students (ages 18–30) from five university sites: Australia (n = 315), New Zealand (n = 270), Canada (n = 276), Argentina (n = 232), and the U.S. (n = 380). Participants completed a confidential, online alcohol use survey which included the B-YAACQ. Results: Overall, 12 of the 24 B-YAACQ items had invariant factor loading and threshold parameters, suggesting that these items exhibited similar reliability and difficulty among university students across the five countries. Of the 24 B-YAACQ items, 21 exhibited comparable reliability across the five countries; the remaining 3 items were slightly less reliable indicators of alcohol consequences among U.S. students. Thus, several items on the B-YAACQ may be particularly informative for identifying students who are experiencing high levels of drinking harm across multiple countries. Conclusions: The present study is an important step toward (a) validating the B-YAACQ among university students in New Zealand and Canada, and (b) furthering our understanding of the psychometric properties of the B-YAACQ among university students in Australia, Argentina, and the U.S.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108975
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalDrug and Alcohol Dependence
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2021


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